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Make the Best Use of Your Time with Project Opportunity Management

In the process of bringing a new project to fruition, you’ll encounter a range of opportunities that present the possibility of better outcomes or reduced costs. However, jumping on every opportunity that comes your way is unacceptably risky and will often create timeline and budget overruns. Knowing when and how to take advantage of key opportunities requires strong project opportunity management, which Bantt can provide.

While no one sets out to take too many risks or to be too risk-averse, these patterns can set in over years in business. The following is a look at some key signs that it's time to consider outside project opportunity management:

  • The list of unfinished projects keeps growing. If you have a lot of ideas but can't seem to get your own team to fulfill them for lack of time or coordination, it's time to hire a business consultant. A business consultant can oversee the planning and deployment of projects your employees are burned out on or otherwise can't get to. This new blood may be just what you need to transform your business into something better; to spur new and exciting growth.

  • If you seem to keep running over budget and time on projects. Stop wasting money and hire on some project opportunity management that will help streamline projects to get things done quicker and cheaper. A professional management team is the best personnel for this because they have the experience and resources to tackle problems that you may not have encountered before. After all, when you need your car fixed, you don't hire your accountant, you hire a mechanic who has seen and knows how to deal with the problem.

  • Business feels stagnant. Maybe you feel like that no matter what you're doing, you can't seem to make any growth or difference in your local market? If so, then often what you need is a fresh eye for new opportunities and new internal processes. You need project opportunity management to liven things up and pinpoint new paths of growth.


In addition to project opportunity management we can help you stay on schedule with our scheduling services. Professional scheduling involves the use of schedule delay analysis in which our experts (hired on by us instead of going through your own executive searching process) use CPM scheduling methods to model and create an analysis of a real anticipated project situation.

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